O. J. Simpson
Born: 7/9/1947 in San Francisco, California, USA
Died: 4/10/2024
Age: 76
Cause of death: prostate cancer
Full name: Orenthal James Simpson
Nickname: The Juice
Noted For: NFL football player and actor. Running back, member of the Buffalo Bills (1969-77) and San Francisco 49ers (1978-79). Won the Heisman Trophy (1968, USC); five-time Pro Bowl player; won four NFL rushing titles; enshrined in the football Hall of Fame (1985). Acted in Hertz TV commercials,
The Towering Inferno (1974); "Roots" (1977);
The Naked Gun (1988). Acquitted in the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson (his ex-wife) and Ronald Goldman (1995), but ordered to pay a $33.5 million judgment in a civil wrongful death lawsuit (1997). Convicted of armed robbery and kidnapping in another case; imprisoned (2008-17).
Quotation: "I will pursue as my primary goal in life the killer or killers who slaughtered Nicole and Mr. Goldman. They are out there somewhere."
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