Deaths for the week ending 16 January 2016:
Sunday, 10 January 2016
David Bowie, pop singer ("Fame"), of cancer, 69.
Alton Brown, major leaguer (Washington Senators), 90.
Michael Galeota, actor ("The Jersey"), after an illness, 31.
Francis Thomas Hurley, Roman Catholic archbishop (Anchorage, Alaska), of natural causes, 88.
Monday, 11 January 2016
Monte Irvin, major leaguer (New York Giants), 96.
David Margulies, actor (Ghostbusters), cause not reported, 78.
Joe Moscheo, gospel singer (The Imperials), of a neurological disease, 78.
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
Chet Stover, cartoon writer/producer ("Underdog"), 90.
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Luis Arroyo, major leaguer (New York Yankees), of cancer, 88.
Brian Bedford, stage actor, 80.
Conrad Phillips, actor (William Tell in "William Tell"), 90.
Lawrence Phillips, NFL football player (St. Louis Rams), apparently by suicide in his prison cell (no details reported), 40.
Jim Simpson, sports announcer (NBC), 88.
Tera Wray, porn actress, apparently by suicide (no details reported), 33. She was the widow of the late rock musician Wayne Static.
Thursday, 14 January 2016
Alan Rickman, actor (Die Hard), of pancreatic cancer, 69.
Friday, 15 January 2016
Noreen Corcoran, actress (Kelly Gregg on "Bachelor Father"), of cardiopulmonary disease, 72.
Dan Haggerty, actor (Grizzly Adams on "The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams"), of cancer, 74.
Rex Morgan, NBA basketball player (Boston Celtics), of cancer, 67.
Saturday, 16 January 2016
Bob Harkey, auto racer (Indianapolis 500), 85.
Joe Hergert, AFL football player (Buffalo Bills), cause not reported, 79.
Gary Loizzo, pop singer (The American Breed), of pancreatic cancer, 70.
Ted Marchibroda, NFL football player and head coach (Baltimore Colts), 84.
Rudy Migay, NHL hockey player (Toronto Maple Leafs), 87.