Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Dean Chance, major leaguer (Los Angeles Angels), of a heart attack, 74.
Joan Leslie, actress (Yankee Doodle Dandy), 90.
Bruce Hyde, actor (Lt. Kevin Riley on "Star Trek"), of throat cancer, 74.
Sue Lloyd-Roberts, TV journalist (BBC), of leukemia, 64.
Aubrey Rozzell, NFL football player (Pittsburgh Steelers), 83.
Nate Huffman, NBA basketball player (Toronto Raptors), of cancer of the bladder, 40.
Neill Sheridan, major leaguer (Boston Red Sox), 93.
Ken Taylor, Canadian ambassador to Iran (depicted in the film Argo), 81.
Tyrone Young, NFL football player (New Orleans Saints), of cancer, 55.
Ralph Andrews, game show producer ("You Don't Say!"), of complications from Alzheimer's disease, 87.