Deaths for the week ending 18 December 2021:
Sunday, 12 December 2021
James Guffey, aka Jimmy Rave, pro wrestler, of complications from a bacterial infection, 39.
Vicente "Chente" Fernandez, Mariachi singer ("Volver, Volver"), of complications from a fall, 81.
Roland Hemond, baseball execcutive (Chicago White Sox), 92.
Monday, 13 December 2021
Joe Simon, R&B singer ("Power of Love"), 85.
Tuesday, 14 December 2021
Lionel Antoine, NFL football player (Chicago Bears), cause not reported, 71.
Wednesday, 15 December 2021
Bridget Hanley, actress (Wanda Taylor on "Harper Valley P.T.A."), of complications from Alzheimer's disease, 80.
Len Hauss, NFL football player (Washington Redskins), of respiratory arrest, 79.
Bell Hooks, r.n. Gloria Watkins, author (Ain't I a Woman?), of kidney failure, 69.
Thursday, 16 December 2021
George Gekas, U.S. Congressman (R-PA, 1983-2003), 91.
Leonard "Hub" Hubbard, hip-hop bassist (The Roots), of multiple myeloma, 62.
Wanda Young, pop singer (The Marvelettes), of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 78. Her death was announced on 16 December with no DOD given.
Friday, 17 December 2021
Harry Jacobs, NFL football player (Buffalo Bills), 84.
John Morgan, English folk drummer (The Wurzels), of coronavirus disease, 80.