Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Jimmy Collins, NBA basketball player (Chicago Bulls), of complications from open heart surgery, 74.
Pierre Lacroix, hockey executive (Colorado Avalanche), of coronavirus disease, 72.
Earl Hutto, U.S. Congressman (D-FL, 1979-95), 94.
Bruce Seals, NBA basketball player (Seattle SuperSonics), of cancer, 67.
Lorenzo Taliaferro, NFL football player (Baltimore Ravens), of a heart attack, 28.
Jeremy Bulloch, actor (The Empire Strikes Back), of complications from Parkinson's disease, 75.
Tom Hanneman, sportscaster (Minnesota), cause not reported, 68.
Peter Lamont, film production designer (James Bond series), 91.
William Winter, governor of Mississippi (D, 1980-84), 97.
David Giler, film producer (Alien), of cancer, 77.