Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Richard Briers, actor (British), of emphysema, 79.
Debbie Ford, author (Dark Side of the Light Chasers), of cancer, 57.
Phil Henderson, college basketball player (Duke University), cause not reported, 44.
Mindy McCready, country singer ("A Girl's Gotta Do"), of suicide by gunshot, 37.
Jerry Buss, basketball executive (Los Angeles Lakers), of cancer, 80.
Damon Harris, pop singer (The Temptations), of cancer, 62.
Lou Myers, actor (Mr. Gaines on "A Different World"), after a long illness, 76.
Don Rutledge, photojournalist (Black Like Me), 82.
Danny Williams, TV and radio broadcaster (Oklahoma City), 85.
Mario Ramirez, major leaguer (San Diego Padres), after a long illness, 55.
Julien Ries, Roman Catholic cardinal (Belgium), 91.