Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Tony Ganios, actor (Porky's), following surgery, 64.
Paul D'Amato, actor (The Deer Hunter), of a neurological disorder, 75.
Robert Reid, NBA basketball player (Houston Rockets), of cancer, 68.
Pamela Salem, actress (British), 80.
John Savident, actor (British), 86.
Roni Stoneman, banjo player ("Hee Haw"), 85.
Jean-Guy Talbot, NHL hockey player (Montreal Canadiens), 91.
Don Poile, NHL hockey player (Detroit Red Wings), 91.
Golden Richards, NFL football player (Dallas Cowboys), of congestive heart failure, 73.
Kenneth Mitchell, actor (Eric Green on "Jericho"), of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 49.