Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Richard Belzer, comedian and actor (John Munch on "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit"), of natural causes, 78.
Greg Foster, track athlete (1984 Olympics), cause not reported, 64. He had a long history of heart problems.
Red McCombs, media and pro sports executive (Clear Channel Communications, San Antonio Spurs), 95.
Jim McMillin, AFL football player (Denver Broncos), 85.
Tony Earl, governor of Wisconsin (D, 1983-87), of a stroke, 86.
Thomas H. Lee, investor (Thomas H. Lee Partners), of suicide by gunshot, 78.
John Olver, U.S. Congressman (D-MA, 1991-2013), 86.
James Abourezk, U.S. Senator (D-SD, 1973-79), 92.
Walter Mirisch, film producer (In the Heat of the Night), 101.