Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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John Caldwell, cartoonist (MAD), of cancer, 69.
Steve Harris, NBA basketball player (Houston Rockets), of colon cancer, 52.
Sonny James, country singer ("Young Love"), 87.
Donald E. Williams, U.S. astronaut (Shuttle), cause not reported, 74.
Lennie Baker, nostalgia singer (Sha Na Na), after a brief illness, 69.
Eddie Einhorn, baseball executive (Chicago White Sox), of complications from a stroke, 80.
George C. Nichopoulos, aka Dr. Nick, physician to Elvis Presley, 88.
Tony Burton, actor (Rocky), cause not reported, 78.
Andy Bathgate, NHL hockey player (New York Rangers), of Parkinson's disease, 83.
David Douglas, NFL football player (Cincinnati Bengals), of brain cancer, 52.