Deaths for the week ending 23 April 2022:
Sunday, 17 April 2022
Roderick "Pooh" Clark, R&B singer (Hi-Five), of pneumonia, 49.
Keith Grayson, aka DJ Kay Slay, hip-hop DJ, of coronavirus disease, 55.
Hollis Resnik, stage singer, of heart failure, 67.
Tuesday, 19 April 2022
Brad Ashford, U.S. Congressman (D-NE, 2015-17), of brain cancer, 72.
Garland Boyette, AFL and NFL football player (Houston Oilers), 82.
Freeman Williams, NBA basketball player (San Diego Clippers), of bone cancer, 65.
Wednesday, 20 April 2022
Ralph Kiser, reality TV contestant ("Survivor: Redemption Island"), of a heart attack, 56.
Javier Lozanao Barragan, Roman Catholic cardinal (Mexico), 89.
Robert Morse, actor (Bertram Cooper on "Mad Men"), 90.
Guitar Shorty, r.n. David Kearney, blues guitarist, 87.
Thursday, 21 April 2022
Daryle Lamonica, AFL and NFL football player (Oakland Raiders), 80.
Jacques Perrin, actor (French), 80.
Adam Windsor, pro wrestler (NWA), of a heart problem, 41.
Friday, 22 April 2022
Guy Lafleur, NHL hockey player (Montreal Canadiens), of lung cancer, 70.
Clayton Weishuhn, NFL football player (New England Patriots), in an automobile accident, 62.
Saturday, 23 April 2022
Orrin Hatch, U.S. senator (R-UT, 1977-2019), of complications from a stroke, 88.