Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Tommy Kono, weightlifter (1952-60 Olympics), 85.
Billy Paul, soul singer ("Me and Mrs. Jones"), of cancer, 81.
Terry Redlin, outdoor artist, with Alzheimer's disease, 78.
Joe Blahak, NFL football player (Minnesota Vikings), apparently of a heart attack, 65.
Winston Hill, AFL football player (New York Jets), cause not reported, 74.
Conrad Burns, U.S. Senator (R-MT, 1989-2007), of natural causes, 81.
Joe Durham, major leaguer (Baltimore Orioles), of natural causes, 84.
Barry Howard, actor ("Hi-de-Hi!"), of blood cancer, 78.
Daniel Berrigan, priest and anti-war protestor (the Plowshares movement), 94.