Deaths for the week ending 4 April 2020:
Sunday, 29 March 2020
Joe Diffie, country singer ("Pickup Man"), of coronavirus disease, 61.
Alan Merrill, rock singer and songwriter ("I Love Rock and Roll"), of coronavirus disease, 69.
Ken Shimura, comedian (Japanese), of coronavirus disease, 70.
Monday, 30 March 2020
Hilary Dwyer, aka Hilary Heath, actress (British), of coronavirus disease, 74.
Bill Withers, R&B singer ("Use Me"), of heart disease, 81.
Tuesday, 31 March 2020
Julie Bennett, voice actress (Cindy Bear in "The Yogi Bear Show"), of coronavirus disease, 88.
Vincent Marzello, actor (The Witches), cause not reported, 68.
Wednesday, 1 April 2020
Ed Farmer, major leaguer (Chicago White Sox), of kidney disease, 70.
Ellis Marsalis Jr., jazz pianist, of coronavirus disease, 85. He was the father of musicians Brandord and Wynton Marsalis.
Bucky Pizzarelli, jazz guitarist, of coronavirus disease, 94.
Adam Schlesinger, musician and songwriter ("That Thing You Do"), of coronavirus disease, 52.
Thursday, 2 April 2020
Patricia Bosworth, actress (The Nun's Story), of coronavirus disease, 86.
Eddie Large, comedian (British), of coronavirus disease, 78.
Logan Williams, actor (young Barry Allen on "The Flash"), of a fentanyl overdose, 16.
Saturday, 4 April 2020
Forrest Compton, actor (Col. Edward Gray on "Gomer Pyle USMC"), of coronavirus disease, 94.
Tom Dempsey, NFL football player (Philadelphia Eagles), of coronavirus disease, 73.