Deaths for the week ending 7 April 2012:
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Jerry Lynch, major leaguer (Pittsburgh Pirates), after a long illness, 83.
Miguel de la Madrid, president of Mexico (PRI, 1982-88), after a long illness, 77.
Monday, 2 April 2012
Sisto Averno, NFL football player (Baltimore Colts), of Parkinson's disease, 86.
Allie Clark, major leaguer (Cleveland Indians), 88.
John Kuenster, sportswriter ("Baseball Digest"), of cardiac arrest, 87.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Chief Jay Strongbow, r.n. Joe Scarpa, pro wrestler, 83.
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Joe Avezzano, AFL football player (Botson Patriots) and NFL coach (Dallas Cowboys), of a heart attack, 68.
Jim Marshall, inventor (Marshall Amp), 88.
Ferdinand Alexander Porsche, automobile designer (Porsche 911), cause not reported, 76.
Friday, 6 April 2012
Thomas Kinkade, painter, of accidental alcohol and Valium intoxication, 54.
Gary Tinsley, college football player (University of Minnesota), from an enlarged heart, 22.
Reed Whittemore, poet, after a long illness, 92.
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Ignace Daoud, Syriac Catholic cardinal, 81.
Steve Fredericks, sportscaster (Philadelphia), of pancreatic cancer, 72.
Hank Robinson, major leaguer (Pittsburgh Pirates) and actor ("The Naked Gun"), 89.
Mike Wallace, news correspondent ("60 Minutes"), 93.