Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Jack Aspinwall, British Member of Parliament (Liberal, 1979-97), of cancer, 82.
Billy Baggett, NFL football player (Dallas Texans), 85.
Fred Gladding, major leaguer (Detroit Tigers), cause not reported, 78.
Louis Johnson, bassist (Michael Jackson's Thriller), of liver failure, 60.
Marques Haynes, pro basketball player (Harlem Globetrotters), of natural causes, 89.
Kevin Hunt, NFL football player (Houston Oilers), after a long illness, 66.
Anne Meara, comedienne and actress (Veronica Ulchin on "The King of Queens"), of natural causes, 85. She was the wife of actor Jerry Stiller and mother of actor Ben Stiller.
John Forbes Nash Jr., mathematician (depicted in A Beautiful Mind), in an automobile accident, 86.