Deaths for the week ending 1 June 2013:
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Clarence Burke Jr., R&B singer (The Five Stairsteps), cause not reported, 64.
John Hammons, real estate & hotel mogul, 94.
Larry Johnson, major leaguer (Cleveland Indians), cause not reported, 63.
Jack Vance, author ("The Dying Earth"), 96.
Monday, 27 May 2013
Bill Pertwee, actor ("Dad's Army"), of natural causes, 86. He was a distant relative of actor Sean Pertwee.
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Cullen Finnerty, college football player (Grand Valley State University), of pneumonia after becoming incapacitated, 30. He went missing on 26 May and was found dead in the woods on 28 May.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Andrew Greeley, Roman Catholic priest and writer (The Cardinal Sins), of complications from an old injury, 85.
Marvin Junior, doo-wop singer (The Dells), of kidney failure, 77.
Friday, 31 May 2013
Richie Phillips, major-league umpires union leader, of cardiac arrest, 72.
Jean Stapleton, actress (Edith Bunker on "All In the Family"), of natural causes, 90.