Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Anton Yelchin, actor (Star Trek), in a single-vehicle automobile accident, 27.
Bill Ham, rock manager (ZZ Top), cause not reported, 79.
Wayne Jackson, R&B trumpeter (The Mar-Keys), of congestive heart failure, 74.
Pierre Lalonde, TV host (Canadian), after a long illness, 75.
Mike Flynn, news editor (Breitbart News), cause not reported, 48.
Stuart Nisbet, actor (Mr. Wade on "Dennis the Menace"), 82.
Ralph Stanley, aka Dr. Ralph, bluegrass musician, 89.
Bernie Worrell, keyboardist (Parliament-Funkadelic), of cancer, 72.
Bill Cunningham, fashion photographer (New York Times), following a stroke, 87.
Jim Hickman, major leaguer (Chicago Cubs), cause not reported, 79.