Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Stanley Anderson, actor (Armageddon), of brain cancer, 78.
George Cameron, pop singer (The Left Banke), of cancer, 70.
Dan Ingram, disc jockey (New York City), 83.
Richard Harrison, aka The Old Man, reality TV personality ("Pawn Stars"), of Parkinson's disease, 77.
Daniel Pilon, actor (Renaldo Marchetta on "Dallas"), of cancer, 77.
Phil Rodgers, pro golfer, of leukemia, 80.
Joe Jackson, recording artist manager (The Jacksons), of pancreatic cancer, 89. He was the father of Michael Jackson and his siblings.
Harlan Ellison, science fiction writer ("I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream"), 84.
Mike Kilkenny, major leaguer (Detroit Tigers), of an illness, 73.
Matt Cappotelli, pro wrestler (World Wrestling Entertainment), of a brain tumor, 38.