Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Donald M. Fraser, U.S. Congressman (D-MN, 1963-79), 95.
Jerry Krall, NFL football player (Detroit Lions), 92.
David Bergland, U.S. presidential candidate (Libertarian, 1984), of prostate cancer, 83.
Paul Darrow, actor (British), after a long illness, 78.
Billy Gabor, NBA basketball player (Syracuse Nationals), 97.
Brian Doherty, rock guitarist (Big Wreck), of cancer, 51.
Robert Earle, game show host ("College Bowl"), 93.
Elio Sgreccia, Roman Catholic cardinal (Rome, Italy), 90.
Dr. John, r.n. Mac Rebennack, jazz musician ("Right Place, Wrong Time"), of a heart attack, 77.
Frank Lucchesi, major-league manager (Texas Rangers), 92.