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Deaths for the week ending 28 July 2012:

Sunday, 22 July 2012

J.P. Patches, r.n. Chris Wedes, TV clown (Seattle), of cancer, 84.

Fern Persons, actress (Field of Dreams), 101.

Frank Pierson, screenwriter (Dog Day Afternoon), 87.

Ed Stevens, major leaguer (Brooklyn Dodgers), 87.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Louise Nippert, baseball executive (Cincinnati Reds), 100.

Sally Ride, U.S. astronaut (Shuttle), of pancreatic cancer, 61.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Chad Everett, actor (Dr. Joe Gannon on "Medical Center"), of lung cancer, 76.

Sherman Hemsley, actor (George Jefferson on "The Jeffersons"), of lung cancer, 76.

Larry Hoppen, pop singer (Orleans), cause not reported, 61.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Suzy Gershman, author ("Born to Shop" series), of cancer, 64.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Lupe Ontiveros, actress (Selena), of cancer, 69.

Neil Reed, college basketball player (Indiana University, choked by Bobby Knight), of a heart attack, 36.

Mary Tamm, actress (Romana in "Doctor Who"), of cancer, 62.

James Watkins, U.S. Secretary of Energy (1989-93), of congestive heart failure, 85.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Norman Alden, actor (Coach Leroy Fedders), of natural causes, 87.

R.G. Armstrong, actor (Dick Tracy), 95.

Geoffrey Hughes, actor (Onslow in "Keeping Up Appearances"), of prostate cancer, 68.

Art Malone, NFL football player (Atlanta Falcons), cause not reported, 64.

Tony Martin, singer ("I Get Ideas"), of natural causes, 98. He was the husband of actress Cyd Charisse.

Joe Tamburro, aka Butter or Butterball, disc jockey (Philadelphia), after a long illness, 70.