Deaths for the week ending 27 August 2022:
Monday, 22 August 2022
Jerry Allison, rock and roll drummer (The Crickets), 82.
Margaret Urlich, pop singer (New Zealand), of cancer, 57.
Tuesday, 23 August 2022
Gerald Potterton, animator (Heavy Metal), 91.
Creed Taylor, jazz trumpeter and music producer, 93.
Wednesday, 24 August 2022
Len Dawson, AFL/NFL football player (Kansas City Chiefs), 87.
William Reynolds, actor (Tom Colby in "The F. B. I."), of pneumonia, 90.
Joe E. Tata, actor (Nat Bussichio on "Beverly Hills, 90210"), with Alzheimer's disease, 85.
Thursday, 25 August 2022
Joey DeFrancesco, jazz musician, of a heart attack, 51.
Steven Hoffenberg, businessman and fraudster (Towers Financial Corporation), cause not reported, 77. His body was found in a state of decomposition on 25 August.
Ron Hutcherson, auto racer (NASCAR), cause not reported, 79.
Mable John, R&B singer ("Your Good Thing Is About to End"), 91.
Saturday, 27 August 2022
Robert LuPone, actor (Dr. Bruce Cusamano on "The Sopranos"), of pancreatic cancer, 76.