Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Joe Caffie, major leaguer (Cleveland Indians), 80.
Delois Barrett Campbell, gospel singer (The Barrett Sisters), 85.
Al Federoff, major leaguer (Detroit Tigers), 87.
William Sleator, children's author (Interstellar Pig), cause not reported, 66.
Annette Charles, actress (Grease), of complications from lung cancer, 63.
Bubba Smith, NFL football player and actor (Police Academy), of heart disease and drug intoxication, 66.
Fred Imus, talk radio host ("Trailer Park Bash"), apparently of natural causes, 69. He was the brother of talk radio host Don Imus.
Jerry Smith, NFL football coach (Denver Broncos), after a long illness, 80.
John Wood, actor (British), 81.