Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Moses Malone, NBA basketball player (Philadelphia 76ers), of coronary artery disease, 60.
Gary Richrath, rock guitarist (REO Speedwagon), cause not reported, 65.
Steve Meilinger, NFL football player (Green Bay Packers), 84.
Randy Wiles, major leaguer (Chicago White Sox), of cancer, 64.
Bobby Etheridge, major leaguer (San Francisco Giants), cause not reported, 73.
Milo Hamilton, baseball announcer (Houston Astros), 88.
Jackie Collins, novelist (Hollywood Wives), of breast cancer, 77. She was the sister of actress Joan Collins.
Todd Ewen, NHL hockey player (St. Louis Blues), of suicide by gunshot, 49.
Walter Young, major leaguer (Baltimore Orioles), of a heart attack, 35.