Deaths for the week ending 2 September 2017:
Monday, 28 August 2017
Melissa Bell, R&B singer (Soul II Soul), of diabetes, 53.
Bobby Boyd, NFL football player (Baltimore Colts), cause not reported, 79.
Jud Heathcote, college basketball coach (Michigan State University), 90.
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Louise Hay, self-help author (You Can Heal Your Life), 90.
Rollie Massimino, college basketball coach (Villanova University), of lung cancer, 82.
Thursday, 31 August 2017
Richard Anderson, actor (Oscar Goldman on "The Six Million Dollar Man"), of natural causes, 91.
Friday, 1 September 2017
Shelley Berman, comedian and actor (Meet the Fockers), of Alzheimer's disease, 92.
Jackie Burkett, NFL football player (Baltimore Colts), of leukemia, 80.
Elizabeth Kemp, actress (He Knows You're Alone), of cancer, 65.
Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, Roman Catholic cardinal (England and Wales), after a long illness, 85.
Novella Nelson, actress (A Perfect Murder), of cancer, 78.
Paul Schaal, major leaguer (Kansas City Roayls), of cancer, 74.
Saturday, 2 September 2017
Murray Lerner, documentary filmmaker (Newport Folk Festival), of kidney failure, 90.