Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Gary Kurtz, film producer (Star Wars), of cancer, 78.
Tommy McDonald, NFL football player (Philadelphia Eagles), 84.
Danny Lewicki, NHL hockey player (Toronto Maple Leafs), 87.
Roger Robinson, actor (Gil Weaver on "Kojak"), of a heart ailment, 78.
Marty Balin, rock singer (Jefferson Airplane), cause not reported, 76.
Yvonne Suhor, actress (Lou Mcloud on "The Young Riders"), of pancreatic cancer, 56.
Wes Hopkins, NFL football player (Philadelphia Eagles), after a long illness, 57.
Joe Masteroff, playwright (Cabaret), 98.
Greg Terrion, NHL hockey player (Toronto Maple Leafs), of a heart attack, 59.
Otis Rush, blues guitarist, 84.