Deaths for the week ending 5 January 2019:
Sunday, 30 December 2018
Don Lusk, animator (Disney), 105.
Monday, 31 December 2018
Dean Ford, pop singer (Marmalade), of complications from Parkinson's Disease, 72.
Tuesday, 1 January 2019
Walt McKeel, major leaguer (Boston Red Sox), cause not reported, 46.
Larry Weinberg, basketball executive (Portland Trail Blazers), 92.
Pegi Young, folk singer ("Trying to Live My Life Without You"), of cancer, 66. She was the ex-wife of rock singer Neil Young.
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Jerry Buchek, major leaguer (St. Louis Cardinals), cause not reported, 76.
Daryl Dragon, aka Captain, pop keyboardist (Captain & Tennille), of kidney failure, 76.
Bob Einstein, comedy performer (Super Dave Osborne), of cancer, 76.
Blake Nordstrom, retailer (Nordstrom), of lymphoma, 58.
Gene Okerlund, pro wrestler and wrestling announcer, after an illness, 76.
Thursday, 3 January 2019
Bob Burrow, NBA basketball player (Rochester Royals), 84.
Herb Kelleher, airline executive (Southwest Airlines), 87.
Steve Ripley, country musician (The Tractors), of cancer, 69.
Friday, 4 January 2019
Harold Brown, U.S. Secretary of Defense (Carter administration, 1977-81), of pancreatic cancer, 91.
Saturday, 5 January 2019
Eric Haydock, pop bassist (The Hollies), cause not reported, 75.
Alexis Smirnoff, r.n. Michel Lamarche, pro wrestler, of kidney failure, 71.