Deaths for the week ending 19 November 2022:
Sunday, 13 November 2022
Chuck Carr, major leaguer (Florida Marlins), of cancer, 55.
Anthony "Rumble" Johnson, mixed martial artist (Ultimate Fighting Championship), of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 38.
Wednesday, 16 November 2022
Nicki Aycox, actress (Meg Masters on "Supernatural"), of leukemia, 47.
Robert Clary, actor (Cpl. Louis LeBeau on "Hogan's Heroes"), of natural causes, 96.
Thursday, 17 November 2022
Fred Brooks, computer scientist (IBM System/360), 91.
Michael Gerson, political speechwriter and columnist (The Washington Post), of kidney cancer, 58.
Brandon Smith, aka B. Smyth, hip-hop performer ("Leggo"), of pulmonary fibrosis, 28.
Friday, 18 November 2022
Dwight Garner, NFL football player (Washington Redskins), of prostate cancer, 58.
George Lois, art director (Esquire), 91.
Ned Rorem, contemporary classical composer, 99.
Saturday, 19 November 2022
Greg Bear, science-fiction author (Halo: The Forerunner Saga), of complications from a stroke, 71.
Jason David Frank, actor (Tommy Oliver on "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers"), of suicide by jumping, 49.