Weekly Obituaries Roundup
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Ernest Borgnine, actor (From Here to Eternity), 95.
Charles "Chick" King, major leaguer (Detroit Tigers), 81.
Eugenio de Araujo Sales, Roman Catholic cardinal (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), of a heart attack, 91.
Peter Kyros, U.S. Congressman (D-ME, 1967-75), 86.
Art Ceccarelli, major leaguer (Kansas City Athletics), 81.
Richard D. Zanuck, film producer ("Jaws"), of a heart attack, 77. He was the son of film producer Darryl F. Zanuck.
Don Brinkley, TV writer/producer ("Trapper John, M.D."), 91. He was the adoptive father of model Christie Brinkley.
Frank Burns, college football coach (Rutgers), 84.
King Hill, NFL football player (Philadelphia Eagles), after a long illness, 75.